Rundly is an app that helps you track your running performances. It allows you to set weekly running goals, track your progress, and stay motivated to reach your targets.
I'm a runner, I love to lace up my shoes and tackle the asphalt. I love to half-marathons and marathons, and to prepare for a half or full marathon you need to prepare in advance a lot, and you need a plan. Most plans involve running a specific distance each week and gradually increasing it, for example, by 10%. If you own an Apple Watch, you might think there’s a built-in feature to track how many kilometers you’ve run daily. But there isn’t.
That's why I created Rundly. By downloading the app on your Apple Watch, you set a distance goal you for the week, and then you can add the beautiful widgets - or what the Apple Naming team calls complications - and by just a glance look at your Apple Watch, you can easily see how far you are from your goal.

I personally use it every day, and I can tell you that it's a great motivation to see how far you are from your goal, and to see the progress you made. I love to watch it after a run, after I get back home to see how much the progress bar has moved.
Main view and customize

The main view of the app allows you to see the most important (and only) metrics, how many kilometers you’ve run in the current week. You can easily switch between the metric system and the imperial system. And of course, you can change your goal.
When you first launch the app, you go through an onboarding that helps you set up your goal and metric system. This is also where you must accept the app's access to your health data, if you don't, it becomes a useless app alongside the Walkie-Talkie app.